N头条>英语词典>supply ship翻译和用法

supply ship

英 [səˈplaɪ ʃɪp]

美 [səˈplaɪ ʃɪp]

网络  补给舰; 艘补给舰; 补给船; 近海供应拖船; 供应船



  • ship that usually provides supplies to other ships


    • Marine solar power system mainly has two kinds of forms. One kind is called independent, as an independent power supply to parts of ship equipments. Another kind is grid-connected, incorporated into the ship electric power system, electric energy distributed by power grid.
    • The study on the items will supply a gap about national ship fire automatic monitor and extinguish, and it has high theoretic value and actual application signification.
    • On the other hand, it can supply the theory basis for ship transportation.
    • The profound meaning of direct power supply lies in providing basis for new power supply and demand relation ship with competition, efficiency and justice.
    • Oversize Water Supply Ship Serves Construction of TGP Study on Ship Production Management and Supply Chain Integration
    • The main contents include: ship power system power supply unit selected; ship power system distribution equipment design and assembly; electrical switchboard schematic design.
    • Using the shaft generator to supply for the whole ship power system in normal navigation is an effective way to save energy.
    • The current international financial crisis has seriously affected the international shipping industry, and slump of shipping industry has already radiated out to the ship supply industry, the ship supply industry seriously impact on business operations.
    • Modeling and simulation of low frequency conducted EMI for switching mode power supply of ship
    • For the first time, two Chinese naval ships, the frigate MAANSHAN and the supply ship Qiandaohu, visited the UAE, with a brief port call in Abu Dhabi.